2. Codey Rocky Code Blocks
2.1. Emotion
Block |
Effect |
look up |
look down |
look left |
look right |
look around |
blink |
smile |
yeah |
naughty |
proud |
yummy |
uh-oh |
wow |
hurt |
sad |
angry |
hello |
sprint |
scared |
shiver |
dizzy |
yawn |
sleep |
wake |
yes |
no |
2.2. Looks
Block |
Effect |
shows |
shows the specified |
shows |
turns off the screen |
shows the specified string |
shows string until scrolling is done |
shows string at coordinate |
turn on the lights at coordinate |
turn off the lights at coordinate |
light |
checks if lighted up at coordinate |
2.3. Lighting
Block |
Effect |
light up with duration |
light up |
set indicator color |
turn |
set |
turn off |
2.4. Speaker
Block |
Effect |
plays sound |
plays sound until done |
stop sounds |
plays note |
rest |
play sound at frequency |
change volume |
set volume |
volume value |
2.5. Action
Block |
Effect |
move forward with duration |
move backward with duration |
turn left with duration |
turn right with duration |
keep forward with duration |
keep backward with duration |
turn left until done |
turn right until done |
move |
turn left and right wheels |
stop moving |
2.6. Sensing
Block |
Effect |
checks if button pressed |
potentiometer value |
loudness |
ambient light intensity |
battery level |
check if shaken |
shaken strength |
check if tilted |
check position |
roll angle |
pitch angle |
reset rotation |
timer |
reset timer |
are there obstacles? |
color detection |
color detection |
light detection |
light detection |
infrared detection |
grey-scale value |
2.7. Infrared
Block |
Effect |
sends |
record signal |
send signal |
2.8. Events
Block |
Effect |
flag is clicked |
key is pressed |
button is pressed |
loudness event |
light event |
message event |
send message |
send message and wait |